Felipe Kneipp Salomon

Felipe Salomon practices Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, focusing on private regulation, and in the areas of judicial and administrative tax disputes. In the judicial sphere, Mr. Salomon has experience with various lawsuits (declaratory actions, annulment actions, writs of mandamus, among others) in Brazil's state courts as well as federal courts. In administrative matters, he represents clients before the Federal Administrative Council of Tax Appeals.
His master's essay "ESG Ratings: Dynamics between rating agencies and rated organizations" was awarded the Academic Excellence in Accounting Essay Prize of St. James's Place Academy.
Bachelor of Laws, Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB
LL.M. in Corporate Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas
MSc in Accounting, Organizations and Institutions, London School of Economics and Political Science